The 2018 DirtWorks Designs track pack is now available in the downloads. An ASUS GTX 460 might perform differently from a Gigabyte GTX 460 on Mac OS X, even though both graphics cards are based off the same NVIDIA model. In addition, people forget that the brand of a graphics card matters just as much as the card's model. Oftentimes, lower-end graphics cards and mobile graphics cards in these series don't actually work, for a variety of reasons. For instance, when we say that AMD's 5000 series is compatible, this doesn't necessarily apply to every single card in the product series. No graphics card model can be compatible with Mac OS X for sure. The following guide speaks in generalities. Open kext helper b7,drag the IOUSB.kext and drop it in the box,hit easy install.
Go to the Apple website support page and download and install the 10.6.5 update not the combo one. Consider this as beta things to keep in mind – disable graphicsenabler, boot in 32-bit kernel mode. 5750 – same as 5770, need to add dev-id to ati5000controller.kext for 57×0 it worth to try?Eulemur?Vervet as framebuffer (edit plist), default one is Uakari Vervet seems to support dual dvi on 57×0 unpack and install both at time, then reboot and pray, cards to test so far – 5850/5870/5970. 5850/5870 confirmed working 5970 works after adding devid into ati5000controller.kext 5770 works, but need both dvi to be connected to display.